Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Quarantined in Korea:" Day 4

And now, for the thrilling conclusion to "Quarantined in Korea!"

Day begins bright and early at 9:00 am

9:00 am to 11:00 am: Traveling to....Everland! Korea's answer to Disneyland. Rides, animals, rides with animals. Everyone's dreams can come true here at Everland.

11:00 am to 11:30 am: start the day off with some lunch. I go for the Everland special: Lasagna. Any italian lunch in Korea would not be complete without pickles and radish. fulfilled.

11:30 am to 1:00 pm: Animals!!! Polar bears are kick ass. Spent about 10 minutes staring down a cheetah through a thin glass window. I won when he became disinterested and continued his elliptical path around his enclosure.

1:00 pm to 1:30 pm: Seal show. Never to hot on "animal" shows, but this was thoroughly impressive.

1:30 pm to 2:00 pm: Safari time. Felt more like Jurassic Park. Rode on a nice little bus, painted like a white tiger. Fitting. Rode through Jurassic Park security gates. Such a great job of replicating the natural habitat of lions, tigers, white tigers, a liger (no lie) and bears. Complete with concrete, fences, and paved roads. Perhaps the rocks were fake....

2:30 pm to 6:30 pm: Ride time. Lets start from the top. Pirate ship. Gyro Swing: this amazing piece of craftsmanship is a giant swing...and it gyrates. Hence the clever name Gyro Swing. Double Rock Spin: This little doozy was conveniently located in America Town. To describe this one would be incredibly difficult for my unimaginative writing skill, so lets just say I was upside down at some points, I was high and low. I don't remember the name of the last one, but it did hurt my back, on account of the spinning.

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm: Dinner time. I feel like something different, so I head over to "Holland Town." Just as you imagine, dear reader, holland is afoot, magical dutchness. In order to get the full experience, I opted for the "various sausage plate." With french fries. All in all, tasty.

7:30 pm to 9:30 pm: returning home.

10:00 pm to 12:45 am: I remember a TV being on...I think I was on the couch...

1:00 am: Asleep.

This concludes our 4 part mini-series of "Quarantined in Korea."

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